High-speed spiral door EFA-SST® Efficient.


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EFA-SST® – BAU 2017

The EFAFLEX High-Speed Spiral Door, for the best thermal insulation with spiral door technology.

High-speed spiral door EFA-SST® Secure (RC 3).


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EFA-SST® – BAU 2017

The EFAFLEX High-Speed Spiral Door, for the best thermal insulation with spiral door technology.

High-speed spiral door EFA-SST® Secure (RC 4).


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EFA-SST® – BAU 2017

The EFAFLEX High-Speed Spiral Door, for the best thermal insulation with spiral door technology.


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EFA-SST® Secure

EFAFLEX provides Resistance Class 4 (RC4) to combine speed with security in a one door solution. Protect your business and assets with EFAFLEX.